JFolder::create: Could not create folder.Path: /var/www/vhosts
Key folder in safepath unaccessible
Custom Field title: "Easycheckbox with Quantity"
Custom Checkbox Title: "Toppings:"
Checkbox Selection Separeted by Comma: "sweetcorn#+1,pineapple#+1,onions#+1,olives#+1,mushrooms#1,tuna#+1,pepperoni#+1,extra mozzarella#+1"
Increase Sales price: Checked
Show prices in cart page: Checked
#CHECKED - Checked by default
Example: 24 hours shipping#CHECKED#+10,....
#IMG{image_path} - Shows image between checkbox and text
Example: Cheese#IMG{images/toppings/cheese.jpg}#+1,....
#IMGPOP{image_path} - Shows image as hint on mouseover
Example: Cheese#IMGPOP{images/toppings/cheese.jpg}#+1,....
#MIN{number} - Minimal quantity for option
Example: Cheese#MIN{3}#+1,....
#MAX{number} - Max quantity for option
Example: Cheese#MAX{10}#+1,....
#TEXT{Some text here} - Add text before option (checkbox)
Example: Cheese#TEXT{This is one good cheese}#+1,....
You can use all this functions together
Example: Cheese#CHECKED#IMG{images/toppings/cheese-small.jpg}#IMGPOP{images/toppings/cheese.jpg}#MIN{3}#MAX{10}#TEXT{This is one good cheese}#+1,....
pepperoni#IMG{images/pepperoni.png}#+1,extra mozzarella#IMGPOP{images/mozzarella.png}#+1
This one is checked by default#TEXT{Max quantity for all checkboxes is set to 7. Discount value for option is set to 10€!}#CHECKED#+2,Default quantity set to 4#VAL{4},Max quantity set to 5#MAX{5}#+5,Min quantity set to 4#MIN{4}#TEXT{---- Some text inside checkboxes.}#+2,Only possible quantity is 3#MAX{3}#MIN{3}#+2,Without price,With image as icon#IMG{images/pineaple.png},With image as hint on mouseover#IMGPOP{images/pineaple.png},With both images#IMG{images/pineaple.png}#IMGPOP{images/pineaple.png}
Other settings: